$40 Cheap Car Rental in New Paltz, NY

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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in New Paltz?
If your trip to New Paltz is all organized but your travel itinerary is looking a little empty, we can give you a helping hand.Not too far from the city center, Mohonk Golf Course is one attraction you might like to consider putting on your to-do list. New Paltz Golf Course and G. Steve Jordan Gallery are also nearby and worth a detour.
What are the best road trip destinations near New Paltz?
Situated 17 miles away and offering a variety of things to do, Rhinebeck attracts visitors year-round. Come and find out what keeps them coming back. You may also like to explore the sights of Newburgh. It’s located 18 miles from New Paltz and has some excellent things to offer.
Where are the best convention centers near New Paltz?
Here on a business trip? You’ll be happy to know that Mid-Hudson Civic Center has some wonderful hotels and cafés nearby. It’s situated 9 miles from New Paltz.
What kind of rental car should I get for New Paltz?
No other mode of transportation can give you convenience and flexibility like your own set of wheels. No matter the reason for your stay in New Paltz, CarRentals.com has a terrific range of vehicles to choose from. On a city break with your sweetheart? Make things even cozier by renting a mini or convertible. A pleasure to drive and a cinch to park, you’ll love sitting alongside each other in one of these little rides. An SUV is a good choice for families. There’s plenty of room for everyone and you can go where you want, when you want. If you’re traveling for business, a premium car will get you from one meeting to another in comfort and luxury.
Should I get a luxury rental car in New Paltz?
There’s loads of choice when it comes to rental cars in New Paltz. From people-movers with plenty of room to spare to zippy compacts that make parking a cinch, you’ll find it all here. Choosing your ride of course depends on your budget and what activities you plan on doing. Some road trips are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas other adventures require no more than an engine and four wheels. Which car will you be sliding behind the wheel of this time?
What side of the road do they drive on in New Paltz?
In New Paltz, you’ll have to stick to the right side. When visiting someplace new, it’s a good idea to rent an automatic car. That way, you can focus on the road and not worry about gear changes.
Does New Paltz have peak-hour traffic?
Since the population of New Paltz is around 7,100, you shouldn’t have too much trouble with traffic. That said, downtown streets are generally busier in the rush hours before and after work, so you may want to avoid driving during these times.
Is it difficult to park in New Paltz?
Getting a place to park in New Paltz isn’t always a breeze. That’s why many travelers opt for a hotel that has its own parking. When leaving the car around town, keep a close eye on the signage. Overstaying the allotted time limit could land you a steep fine.
Are there speed limits in New Paltz?
While driving through the streets of New Paltz, keep in mind that the speed limits usually range from 20mph to 65mph. Residential areas are 45mph unless signed otherwise.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Ulster County?
More often than not, your car rental company will charge the fined amount to your credit card, including local surcharges. Otherwise, they may forward your contact details to local law enforcement agencies, who’ll then send a fine to your postal address.
Are seat belts compulsory in Ulster County?
In short, yes. Although, there are a couple of exceptions for certain vehicles used by public transportation systems.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in New Paltz?
It’s prohibited to use your cell phone while driving a car in New Paltz, and you could also be fined for just holding your phone if you’re in control of a vehicle. That being said, the use of hands-free or Bluetooth functions is permitted, as long as your eyes remain on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in New Paltz?
While driving in New Paltz, it’s a criminal offence to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) of over 0.08%. Planning to have a few drinks over lunch or dinner? Consider grabbing a taxi or using a ride-sharing service.
Is turning on a red light allowed in New Paltz?
Traffic laws in New Paltz permit drivers at a red light to turn into the lane closest to them, without having to wait for it to turn green. Before doing so, the car must come to a total stop and the driver must be sure that the way is clear before moving on.

Car Rental Information

City pick-up location
New Paltz
Lowest price
Popular car types:
SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard