$37 Cheap Car Rental in Mount Sterling, KY

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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Mount Sterling?
If your trip to Mount Sterling is all sorted out but your travel itinerary is a bit on the empty side, we can give you a helping hand.Eager to flesh out your itinerary a little? Visit Lykins Park, which is just a short drive away. Try your hand at some camping while you’re here too.
What are the best road trip destinations near Mount Sterling?
Located 18 miles away and home to plenty to see and do, Stanton attracts travelers throughout the year. Come and find out why they keep coming back for more. Richmond is another place to add to your list. It’s located 30 miles away. Jump out of the car, stretch those legs and see what this place is all about.
What kind of rental car should I get for Mount Sterling?
No other mode of transportation can give you flexibility and freedom like your own car. Whatever the reason for your jaunt to Mount Sterling, CarRentals.com has an excellent range of vehicles to take your pick of. On a city break with your significant other? Rev up the romance by renting a mini or convertible. Loads of fun to drive and a breeze to park, you’ll love sitting side by side in one of these nifty rides. A minivan is perfect for families. There’s room enough for everyone and you can go where you want, when you want. If you’re traveling for work, a premium car will carry you from your hotel to those important meetings in luxury and comfort.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Mount Sterling?
There’s loads of choice when it comes to renting a car in Mount Sterling. From sporty models with all the mod cons to economy rides that are a snap to park, you’ll find it all here. Deciding on your perfect match depends on how much you’d like to spend and where you plan to go. Some road trips are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas others don’t need anything more than an engine and four wheels. Which car will you be sliding behind the wheel of this time?
What side of the road do they drive on in Mount Sterling?
You’ll have to keep to the right while driving in Mount Sterling. In addition, exercise some extra caution if it’s your first time in the driver’s seat here. Once you have a feel for how the locals drive, you can relax and enjoy the new scenery!
Does Mount Sterling have peak-hour traffic?
As the population of Mount Sterling is only 7,200, you shouldn’t have too much difficulty with traffic congestion. That being said, major roads can get busy before and after work hours, so you may want to avoid driving then.
Is it difficult to park in Mount Sterling?
You’ll find plenty of places to park your ride in Mount Sterling. Even in the middle of the action, you’re likely to score a spot just where you need it.
Are there speed limits in Mount Sterling?
The residential areas in Mount Sterling have a 35mph speed limit. Outside these built-up areas, the speed limits usually range between 25mph and 65mph.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Montgomery County?
Most of the time, your chosen car rental company will charge the amount fined to your credit card. Alternatively, the company may supply your contact details to local authorities so they can send a fine directly to you.
Are seat belts compulsory in Montgomery County?
You bet. Although, there are a couple of exceptions for certain vehicles used by public transportation networks.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Mount Sterling?
It is legal to use a cell phone while cruising in your car around Mount Sterling. However, we recommend that you play it safe and avoid calling or texting — your focus should be on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Mount Sterling?
While behind the wheel in Mount Sterling, it’s a criminal offence to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) of over 0.08%. Thinking of having a glass or two of wine while you’re out? Consider using a ride-sharing service or booking a taxi.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Mount Sterling?
Yes, drivers are allowed to turn on a red light in Mount Sterling. But before doing so, you have to bring the car to a total stop. Continue only when your way is clear.

Car Rental Information

City pick-up location
Mount Sterling
Lowest price
Popular car types:
SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard