$49 Cheap Car Rental in Chesterfield, NH

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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Chesterfield?
If your trip to Chesterfield is all locked in but your travel itinerary is a little on the empty side, let us give you a few hints and tips.Stop by Spofford Lake. It’s one sight you’ll usually find on many travelers’ to-do lists. If you still have room on your itinerary, Asbury United Methodist Church and Madame Sherri Forest will keep you busy too.
What are the best road trip destinations near Chesterfield?
If you’re up for a day trip, pack some snacks and head over to Goshen. Located 35 miles away, it has no shortage of things to keep you going. Grantham is another place you shouldn’t miss. It’s situated 45 miles away. Hop out of the car, stretch your legs and see what this place offers.
What kind of rental car should I get for Chesterfield?
No matter your motoring requirements in Chesterfield, CarRentals.com will get you from point A to B quickly and efficiently. If you’re in the city for work, a premium car will have you cruising around in style. These sorts of vehicles boast high-end finishes, sleek interiors, and a whole host of extras. Traveling on a tight budget and hoping to save a few bucks? A mini or a compact car is the way to go. These smaller vehicles are cheaper to run and perfect for getting around city streets. If you’ve got the kids (and a good deal of luggage) in tow, a full-size SUV promises the space you need.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Chesterfield?
Sometimes it’s all about the journey, which makes choosing the right car important. If you’re planning an epic road trip around Chesterfield, a spacious SUV could be the best solution. If you’d like the cheapest possible price and plan on sticking mostly to the city, a budget compact is a wise pick. All you have to do is choose what will suit you best, throw your bags in the trunk, and start clocking up those miles.
What side of the road do they drive on in Chesterfield?
People drive on the right side of the road in Chesterfield. Even though you may be comfortable with the traffic rules, it’s always wise to drive a bit more cautiously on roads you’re not familiar with.
Does Chesterfield have peak-hour traffic?
As with most destinations, roads get busier in the hours before and after work. However, thanks to its smaller population of approximately 3,800, traffic congestion isn’t much of an issue in Chesterfield.
Is it difficult to park in Chesterfield?
You’ll discover loads of places to leave the car in Chesterfield. Even right in the thick of things, there’s usually a space right where you need it.
Are there speed limits in Chesterfield?
Most residential zones in Chesterfield have a 35mph speed limit. Outside these areas, the speed limits usually range between 20mph and 70mph.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in New Hampshire?
One of two things will happen. Your chosen rental car company may bill the amount stated on the fine to your credit card. This is the most common practice. Otherwise, it may provide your contact details to the relevant local agency so the fine is sent straight to you.
Are seat belts compulsory in New Hampshire?
Seat belts are compulsory in New Hampshire. However, the rules may not apply for certain vehicles, like those operated by public transportation systems.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Chesterfield?
Like many places, standard cell phone usage is prohibited while cruising around Chesterfield. However, an exception applies for hands-free or Bluetooth functions. Just remember to keep your eyes on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Chesterfield?
When driving in Chesterfield, it’s a criminal offence to have a BAC (blood alcohol content) greater than 0.08%. Planning to have a couple of drinks while you’re out? Consider using a ride-sharing service or booking a taxi.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Chesterfield?
Traffic laws in Chesterfield permit drivers at a red light to turn into the direction of traffic nearest to them without having to wait for a green signal. Before turning, the car must come to a complete stop and the driver must make sure that the lane is clear before proceeding.

Car Rental Information

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Popular car types:
SUV, Full size, Economy & Standard