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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Temple Terrace?
If your trip to Temple Terrace is all booked but your itinerary is looking a bit empty, we can give you a helping hand.Sometimes short drives are nice too. Just down the road, Museum of Science and Industry and Lettuce Lake Park will keep you busy. Once you’ve ticked them off your to-do list, venture in the direction of USF Baseball Stadium.
What are the best road trip destinations near Temple Terrace?
If you’re eager to head out on a day trip, we have a few ideas. Why not jump in the car and find out what’s happening in Terrace Park or Temple Crest? Both have plenty to do and a great variety of hotels. Terrace Park is 2 miles away, and Temple Crest is 3 miles.
Where are the best convention centers near Temple Terrace?
Mingling and networking with lots of different people can be draining. So if you’re visiting Temple Terrace for a business trip, you’ll be glad to hear that there are some fantastic places to put your feet up near these top convention centers:

  • Ritz Ybor (7 miles away).
  • Tampa Convention Center (9 miles away).

What kind of rental car should I get for Temple Terrace?
Sure, it’s possible to explore Temple Terrace without wheels. But with so much to see, having one is sure to make your trip all the more exciting. If you’re eager to venture out into the great outdoors, choose a vehicle with a bit of extra power. A full-size car or an SUV will do the job in style. A smaller car, like a mini or a compact, is a popular choice if you’ll only be taking shorter trips.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Temple Terrace?
There’s loads of choice when it comes to renting a car in Temple Terrace. From sporty models with all the mod cons to economy rides that are a snap to park, you’ll find it all here. Selecting your perfect match depends on how much you want to spend and what activities you plan on doing. There are some road trips that are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas others don’t need more than an engine and four wheels. Which will it be this time?
What side of the road do they drive on in Temple Terrace?
You’ll be motoring along the right-hand side of the road in Temple Terrace. Even though the conditions may be similar to home, we suggest driving more cautiously in a new destination.
Does Temple Terrace have peak-hour traffic?
With Tampa having a modest population of around 369,100, peak-hour traffic isn’t a big issue in neighborhoods like Temple Terrace. As with most destinations, the roads are at their busiest as people go to and from work. Try to avoid those times for an easier journey.
Is it difficult to park in Temple Terrace?
It’s relatively easy to find a car space in Temple Terrace, though it can be a challenge to get a spot in the biggest and busiest streets. Staying at a hotel that offers on-site parking is a wise idea.
Are there speed limits in Temple Terrace?
Like the wider Tampa area, the neighborhood of Temple Terrace has speed limits that range from 30km/h to 70mph. In residential areas, you usually won’t be able to drive faster than 30mph.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Tampa?
Normally, your chosen rental car company will charge the amount fined to your credit card. Alternatively, the company may share your contact details with local law enforcement agencies so they can issue a fine directly to you.
Are seat belts compulsory in Tampa?
Subject to some exceptions, seat belts must be worn in Tampa.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Temple Terrace?
Like many places, standard cell phone usage is prohibited while driving in Temple Terrace. However, there is an exception for hands-free or Bluetooth capabilities. Just remember to keep your eyes on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Temple Terrace?
In Temple Terrace, it is a punishable offence to operate a vehicle with a BAC (blood alcohol content) higher than 0.08%. If you’re going to have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner, it’s a good idea to leave your rental car behind.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Temple Terrace?
Traffic laws in Temple Terrace allow drivers at a red light to turn into the direction of traffic closest to them, without waiting for it to turn green. Before doing so, the car must completely stop and the driver must be sure that the lane is clear before continuing on.