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Frequently asked questions

What are the major attractions in Town of Orange?
If your trip to Town of Orange is all booked but your itinerary is a little on the empty side, let us give you a helping hand.Keep yourself on the go by dropping by Watkins Glen International and Farm Sanctuary. One more sight to consider stopping by is Lamoka Lake.
What are the best road trip destinations near Town of Orange?
You don’t have to spend all your time in Town of Orange, especially when iconic landmarks are just a day trip away. Roberson Museum and Science Center hardly needs an introduction. Located about 60 miles away in Binghamton, your itinerary should include this must-see attraction.
What kind of rental car should I get for Town of Orange?
Sure, it’s possible to head out and explore Town of Orange without a car. But with so much to see, having one will definitely make your trip more memorable. If you’re excited to venture out into nature, opt for a vehicle with a little extra power. A full-size car or an SUV could be just what you need. A smaller car, like a mini or a compact, is a top choice if you’ll only be taking shorter trips.
Should I get a luxury rental car in Town of Orange?
There’s more than enough choice when it comes to rental cars in Town of Orange. From SUVs with space to spare to agile compacts, you’ll find it all here. Deciding on your perfect match depends on how much you’d like to spend and what activities you’ve got planned. There are some road trips that are just begging you to splurge on your dream ride, whereas other adventures require no more than an engine and four wheels. What type of car will it be this time?
What side of the road do they drive on in Town of Orange?
In Town of Orange, you’ll have to stick to the right-hand side. When traveling someplace new, it’s a good idea to choose a car with automatic transmission. That way, you can focus on the road ahead and not stress about gear changes.
Is it difficult to park in Town of Orange?
Finding a car space in Town of Orange isn’t always quick and easy. That’s why many people choose a hotel that has its own parking. When leaving the car around town, make sure you read the signage. Overstaying the maximum time limit could result in a hefty fine.
Are there speed limits in Town of Orange?
Most residential zones in the city of Town of Orange have a 45mph speed limit. Outside these built-up areas, the speed limits generally range between 20mph and 65mph.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Schuyler County?
Most of the time, your chosen rental company will charge the amount of the fine to your credit card. Alternatively, the company may forward your contact details to the relevant local authority so they can issue a fine to you directly.
Is it illegal to use a cell phone while driving in Town of Orange?
As with many places, standard cell phone usage is not permitted while driving around Town of Orange. However, an exception applies for hands-free or Bluetooth functions. Just ensure you stay focused on the road.
What are the rules around drink driving in Town of Orange?
In Town of Orange, it’s against the law to drive with a BAC (blood alcohol content) above 0.08%. If you’re thinking of having a few drinks, you’d be wise to leave the car at your hotel.
Is turning on a red light allowed in Town of Orange?
Yes, drivers can turn on a red light in Town of Orange. But before doing so, you have to bring the car to a total stop. Proceed only when the lane is clear of approaching traffic.
Are seat belts compulsory in Schuyler County?
Yes. However, there are a couple of exceptions for vehicles operated by public transportation networks.