Book National Capital Region car rentals from $37

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Frequently asked questions

Where is National Capital Region?
Maybe you’re the kind of traveler who plans every little detail of your trip. Or perhaps you’d rather get behind the wheel of a rental car and go wherever the wind takes you. However you like to go about it, there are some key points about National Capital Region that you really should know. Familiarize yourself with Philippines, because that’s where you’ll need to head to get your adventure underway.
How can I get a cheap car rental in National Capital Region?
We’ve pulled together a list of our top tips and tricks to help you save on a car rental:

  • Our handy filter feature will soon be your new best buddy. Scan the cheapest deals from all of the top companies quickly and easily;
  • Arrange an email Price Drop Alert for your upcoming vacation destination. You never know what great bargains will hightail it into your inbox;
  • Look at the bargains at all rental locations in town, including the airport and its vicinity. A brief cab drive to a nearby rental car office may mean significant savings;
  • You can often save a bundle if your plans are flexible. Look at different days and dates and see how much you can save;
  • No one likes getting stung with a late fee. Avoid paying for an extra day by ensuring your pickup and drop-off times are around the same time;
  • Keep more dollars in your pocket. You’ll score some of the thriftiest deals when you pay in advance for your rental vehicle;
  • Book as soon as your dates are finalized. The early bird catches the worm!

What is the most popular rental car category in National Capital Region?
It’s always a great idea to take time out from the city, and if you do, you’ll be richly rewarded. With coral reefs, mangroves, and sandy shores to marvel at, National Capital Region is ripe for exciting adventures. A larger vehicle like an SUV or a four-wheel drive will give you and your passengers more comfort and room for those long, leisurely drives.
Should I get a luxury rental car in National Capital Region?
Sometimes the journey is more significant than the destination, which makes finding the right car important. If you’re about to head off on an epic road trip around National Capital Region, a robust and stylish SUV could be a good choice. If you’d like the cheapest price possible and plan on staying mostly in the city, a versatile compact is a smart pick. All you need to do is work out what’s the best fit, throw your bags in the back seat, and clock up those miles.
What side of the road do they drive on in National Capital Region?
Motorists drive on the right side of the road in National Capital Region. Even though you may be comfortable with the traffic rules, we recommend driving with a little extra care in new and unfamiliar destinations.
What happens if I get a speeding fine while driving a rental car in Philippines?
Normally, one of two things will happen. Your chosen rental car company may charge the amount stated on the fine to your credit card. This is the most common approach. Alternatively, it may pass on your contact details to the relevant local authority so the fine is issued to you directly.