Hertz car rental deals in Bowling Green

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Hertz car rentals in Bowling Green: All you need to know

There is no better way to see everything Bowling Green has to offer than by getting behind the wheel of your Hertz rental car. Don't spend your time waiting for the bus or hailing taxis to go to the sights. When you have access to your own ride, you can drive wherever you want to go, when you want. Make your upcoming trip to Kentucky more enjoyable with a Hertz rental car.

CarRentals.com puts you in the driver's seat

Bowling Green is a perfect destination when you want to get away from rat race of a big city. Travelers come to have fun at Bowling Green's local attractions. But you may have your sights set on exploring the growing art scene and mountain views. No matter what you decide on first, you'll want to check out as much of Bowling Green as you can during your vacation. And if you need to mix it up from Bowling Green's easy-going vibes, then jump behind the wheel of your Hertz car rental and see what else is out there.

We work with several of the finest car rental dealers. Hertz has over a hundred years of experience and a fleet featuring several of the most popular in the business, like Hyundai and Kia. With Hertz renowned history and thousands of franchises all over the world, you know you will be in great hands.

What you need to know about car rentals

How do I get a Bowling Green Hertz rental car at a great price?

We try to get you the lowest rates, no matter when you reserve your car. But booking ahead of time can help you save even more. Make sure to check the mileage policy and don't add an extra driver to avoid any surprise fees.

Do I need to bring anything special when I get my rental car in Bowling Green?

Make sure to present your driver's permit and a credit card in your name.

What's Bowling Green's minimum age to rent a car?

Hertz's minimum age to rent a car in Bowling Green is 21. Take time to go over Hertz's policy, as there may be limitations if you are under 25 in most cases or for higher category cars in particular.

Is there a particular vehicle I should get for my trip to Bowling Green?

That depends on how many people you are traveling with and what activities you want to do in Bowling Green. Compact or economy vehicles are easier to park and good for short drives. If you are traveling with coworkers, then a SUV or mid-size vehicle will have more room for everyone's bags and be a more comfortable ride on longer commutes. Those looking for a bit of extravagance on their Bowling Green vacation can choose the premium category for a car like a Cadillac or Audi or similar.

Do I need insurance when I rent a car in the United States?

In the United States you do need to have insurance before you rent. Although many of the major card issuers, like MasterCard or Discover, offer some coverage, there are usually restrictions. For example, you may not be covered if you book a luxury or larger vehicle. Make sure to check credit card issuer's policy before you decide. Otherwise, as a United States citizen, you can also purchase Collision Damage Coverage through CarRentals.com at checkout.

Does Hertz require a deposit at the time of booking my rental car?

Hertz does require a deposit when you book your rental. Hertz will block the deposit on your credit once you reserve your rental for your trip. Please note that the deposit may vary greatly depending on the make and model of the rental.

Do I have to return my Hertz rental with a full tank?

At CarRentals.com, we encourage a full to full policy. You should get into your automobile with a full tank, and you will want to refuel up to the amount you picked the car up with. If you want to save some money, it is best to find a gas station before you bring it back to Hertz. Stations near airports or car rental places tend to have higher prices.

Do I need unlimited miles when I rent a car in Bowling Green?

Bowling Green's small-town atmosphere definitely is charming, but you may want to take to the road again after you've gone out in Bowling Green's downtown or checked off all the activities in Bowling Green. If you are wanting to add some adventure to your Bowling Green trip, you can also go to Beech Bend Park and spend an afternoon taking on the park's attractions.

Does Bowling Green Hertz offer one-way car rentals?

Hertz usually offers one-way rentals. You may find it easier to return your rental car at a different location. However, there may be an additional fee when you opt for one-way.

Book today for great rates

With so much to do and see in Bowling Green, having access to your own set of wheels lets you explore at your own pace. When you're ready to discover more of Kentucky, you can leave when you want to, without trying to signal for a cab or sign up for a ride-share.

Before your next trip, book your Hertz Bowling Green rental car and zip off to take in all the must-see sights at your own pace. Go with CarRentals.com and drive the streets in Bowling Green, Kentucky.